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Mondays @ 11:30 AM ET
Options Trade of the Week

Options Trade of the Week

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Options Jam Session

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Off The Charts

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Options Paid to Play

[Options P2P] Daily Digest 2/7/25

February 7, 2025

In today’s Daily Digest, we’ll review the following:

  1. New position in XRT.
  2. No adjustments are needed today.
  3. No exits since the last report.
  4. Current status of open campaigns.
  5. Volatility Snapshot.

Let’s dig in!

All Star Options

When the World is Against You

February 6, 2025

Before I get to today's Options Jam Session, I want to talk about profiting from bearish moves.

Short answer: It's a hell of a lot harder than it looks.

Few people (with the exception of traders holding short positions) hate it when stocks go up. It is human nature to expect stocks to go up. When stocks are going up, everything is "normal." There's no panic. There are no investor lawsuits. There are no board room freak-outs. Everyone is making money, everyone is happy. Carry on.

But when stocks are going down, people get mad. They look for someone to blame. Big shareholders and institutions start looking for malfeasance and an angle to sue the company for fraud. Star employees get frustrated and leave for greener pastures. Customers lose confidence in the company and start exploring other options. Borrowing costs get more expensive. It gets harder to raise capital in the public markets.